
ValueChanges in Angular Forms

The ValueChanges is an event raised by the Angular forms whenever the value of the FormControl, FormGroup or FormArray changes. It returns an observable so that you can subscribe to it. The observable gets the latest value of the control. It allows us to track changes made to the value in real-time and respond to it. For example, we can use it to validate the value, calculate the computed fields, etc.

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StatusChanges in Angular Forms

StatusChanges is an event raised by the Angular forms whenever the Angular calculates the validation status of the FormControl, FormGroup or FormArray. It returns an observable so that you can subscribe to it. The observable gets the latest status of the control. The Angular runs the validation check on every change made to the control. It also generates a list of validation errors in which case the status becomes INVALID. If there are no errors, then the status becomes VALID

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Angular Reactive Forms Example

Reactive forms ( also known as Model-driven forms) is one of the two ways to build Angular forms. In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a simple Example Reactive Form app. To Build reactive forms, First, we need to import ReactiveFormsModule. We then create the Form Model in component class using Form Group, Form Control & Form Arrays. Next, we will create the HTML form template and bind it to the Form Model.

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