This JavaScript Tutorial covers the world’s most popular language JavaScript. Javascript is the scripting language we use to make web pages interactive. It is written in plain text on the HTML page and runs in the browser. Modern JavaScript evolved so much that it can run on the server side today. We use it along with HTML & CSS and power the entire web.
Table of Contents
Before you begin
This Tutorial is intended to help a newbie or beginner programmer get started with JavaScript.
This Tutorial expects that you have a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Programming basics, and an understanding of object-oriented programming concepts. It will help you to make the most of this JavaScript Tutorial.
In this section, we introduce you to JavaScript
Getting Started
This section shows how to start with JavaScript. We start with building a simple hello world example application. We will learn the basic syntax and rules and learn about identifiers and naming rules. etc. Later we look at what variables are and how to declare variables using let, var, and const.
- Code Editor
- JavaScript Hello World Example
- Syntax and Rules
- JavaScript Identifiers
- Keywords & Reserved Words
- JavaScript Variables
- Constants in JavaScript
- Let, var & const
- Data Types in JavaScript
Data Types
String Data Type
Number Data Type
BigInt Data Type
Boolean Data Type
Special Data Types
JavaScript Operators
- JavaScript Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Unary plus (+) & Unary minus (-)
- Increment & Decrement Operators
- Comparison or Relational Operators
- Strict Equality & Loose Equality Checker
- Ternary Conditional Operator
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Nullish Coalescing Operator
- Comma Operator
- TypeOf Operator
- Operator Precedence
Flow Control Statements
- If, else if & nested if statements
- Switch Statement
- While & Do While Loops
- For Loop in JavaScript
- Break Statement
- Continue Statement
- Functions in JavaScript
- Function Arguments & Parameters
- Default Parameters
- Pass By Value & Pass By Reference
- Function Expression
- Nested Functions
- Immediately-invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)
- Callback functions
- Arrow functions
- Arguments Object
- Rest Parameters
- Objects in JavaScript
- Create Objects in JavaScript
- Object Properties
- Computed Property Names
- Object Literal
- Constructor functions
- Delete Property & Delete Operator
- hasOwnProperty
- Setters & Getters
- DefineProperty
- Property Descriptors Enumerable, Writable & Configurable
- Object Destructuring
Scope, Scope Chain, Lexical Scope & Closure
- Scopes in JavaScript
- Hoisting in JavaScript
- Lexical Scope & Closure
- This in JavaScript
- Global Object, Window & GlobalThis
- Call function
Nice Information. Thanks for sharing!