Complete SQL Server Tutorial for Beginners

Welcome to the SQL Server Tutorial. This is a simple step-by-step tutorial for beginners to learn all the features of the MS SQL Server. The tutorial also covers some of the advanced features

MS SQL Server is a relational database management system from Microsoft. The primary function of the SQL Server is to store and retrieve the data whenever a request comes from the application.


This tutorial requires you to be familiar with the concepts of database. This tutorial is designed to help both beginners & professionals.

Table of Content

SQL Server Tutorial

Getting Started with SQL Server

  1. What is SQL Server? Introduction to SQL Server
  2. How to download & Install SQL Server
  3. Download & Install SQL Server Management Studio
  4. What is an SQL Server Instance
  5. Connect to SQL Server using SSMS

SQL Server Basics

  1. Regular & Delimited Identifiers
  2. Reserved Keywords
  3. What is SQL Server Database
  4. How to Create a Database
  5. Drop Database
  6. Create Table
  7. Fully Qualified Table Names
  8. Drop Table
  9. Adding a Row to a Table

SQL Server Data Types

  1. SQL Server Data Types
  2. Char & Varchar
  3. nchar, nvarchar & Unicode Data Types
  4. Tinyint, Smallint, Int & Bigint
  5. Decimal/numeric Data Type
  6. Money & SmallMoney
  7. Float & Real Data Types
  8. Date Data Type
  9. Time Data Type
  10. DateTime2 Data Type
  11. DateTimeOffset
  12. DateTime & SmallDateTime
  13. Date Formats
  14. DateTime2 Vs DateTime
  15. Bit & Boolean
  16. Binary & VarBinary

Constraints in SQL Server

  1. Constraints in SQL Server
  2. Default Constraint
  3. NOT NULL Constraint
  4. Primary Key in SQL Server
  5. Foreign Key in SQL Server
  6. Unique Key in SQL Server
  7. Check Constraint

SQL Server Joins

  1. SQL Join in SQL Server
  2. Join Types in SQL Server
  3. Inner Join in SQL Server
  4. Left Join in SQL Server
  5. Right Join in SQL Server
  6. Full Join in SQL Server
  7. Cross Join in SQL Server
  8. Self Join in SQL Server
  9. Difference between inner and outer joins (left, right and full)


  1. Language Settings in SQL Server

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