Angular services

Guide to Lazy loading in Angular

Lazy loading is the technique where angular loads the Modules only on a need basis rather than all at once. It is also called on-demand loading. By default, Angular Loads the modules eagerly. Lazy Loading of Angular Modules reduces the initial load time of the app. We use the loadChilden method of the Angular Router to lazy load them when the user navigates to a route. In this article, we will show you how to implement lazy loading

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Introduction to Angular Modules or ngModule

The building blocks of Angular Applications consists of Components, Templates, Directives, Pipes, and Services. We build a lot of such blocks to create the complete application. As the application grows bigger in size managing these blocks become difficult. The Angular Provides a nice way organize these blocks in a simple and effectively using Angular modules (Also known as ngModules).

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Angular Guards Tutorial

Angular Route Guards help us prevent the user from accessing certain parts of the applications under specific conditions. We can also use it to perform some actions before navigating to a route or leaving the route. The use cases for route guards are authorization, authentication, data collection, etc. The Angular supports several guards like CanActivate, CanDeactivate, Resolve, CanLoad, CanActivateChild, etc. This article will explore Angular Guards in detail by building an example Angular Guards application.

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Introduction to Angular Services

In this Angular Services tutorial, we will show you how to build a simple component that fetches a list of products from an Angular Service and displays it in our template. Service is a class that has the purpose of Providing a Service to a Component, directive, or to another Service. The Service may be fetching data from the back end, running a business logic etc

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