Environment Tag Helper ASP.NET Core

The environment tag helper supports rendering different content depending on the asp.net core environment variables set. In this tutorial, we will look at this Tag Helper in more detail

Environment Tag Helper

The Environment Tag Helper is applied on <environment> HTML tag. It determines the current value of ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable and renders the content based on the value.

The Value of the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT is available in the IHostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName. The Environment values are read at the time of Application startup and the value is stored in the  IHostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName.

By Convention three Environment variables are supported i.e Development, Staging and Production. But you can set to any string value as you like.

Environment Tag Helper Attributes

The Environment Tag Helper supports three attributes


A comma-separated list of environment names in which the content should be rendered. If the current environment is also in the Exclude list, the content will not be rendered.


A comma-separated list of environment names in which the content will not be rendered.

The Exclude tells the ASP.NET Core not to render the content if the current environment does match the Environment specified. i.e it will be rendered for all other environments except the one specified in the exclude list.

If both include & exclude is applied, then the exclude list is always honoured.


A comma-separated list of environment names in which the content should be rendered. If the current environment is also in the Exclude list, the content will not be rendered.

The Names attribute is similar to include attribute.

Specifying the Environment Variable

You can specify the Environment variable either from the Project Properties or via launchSettings.json

Project Properties

Open the Project Properties and select the debug tab

In the Environment variables section, select the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable and change the value.

if a variable named ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT doesn’t exist then add it by clicking to the add button

Setting the ASP.NET Core Environment Variable


Another way to change the Environment variable is to use the launchSettings.Json as shown in the following image.

Setting the ASP.NET Core Environment Variable from the launchSettings.json

The example uses of Environment Tag Helper

The most common use for the environment tag helper is to use the different set of CSS or JavaScript for development and production environment. You will be required to load the full version of CSS in the production environment to help in debugging the scripts. While in Production you can use the features like bundling and minification to keep the footprint smaller

The following example loads the minified version of style.css in the all the environments except for Development environment.

Exclude has precedence

If you use both include and exclude in the same Tag Helper,  then the exclude takes precedence.

For Example, in the following code snippet, the Development environment is part of both exclude and include list. In such cases, the content will not be rendered for Development environment as the exclude list overrides include list or names list.


In this tutorial, we learned how to use environment tag helper.

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