ViewBag and ViewData in ASP.NET Core

The Views needs to get the data from the controller. One of the ways in which to pass the data to the view is using the ViewData or ViewBag object. In this tutorial, we look at how to use ViewBag and ViewData to pass the data to the View.

What is Viewdata

The ViewData is a property of the Controller Base class, which returns a ViewDataDictionary object.

The ViewDataDictionary as the name suggests is a dictionary object which allows us to store key-value pairs. The key must be a case-insensitive string. To pass data to the view, you can assign values to the dictionary using the Key. You can store any number of items as needed in the ViewData.

The ViewData is passed to the view from the Controller. When you invoke the View method in the Controller Action method, the ViewData is automatically passed to the View.

In the View, you can access the value stored in the Viewdata using the key.

The data stored in the ViewData object exists only during the current request. As soon as the view is generated and sent to the client, the Viewdata object is cleared.

How to Use ViewData

The following example shows how to use the ViewData in a Controller Action

In the above example, we have added the “Hello World” string to the ViewData using the key “Greeting”.

You can simply call the following method in the View to retrieve the value stored in the “Greeting” Key.

Passing the Object using View Data

In the above example, we stored the string data in the ViewData. The string data can be used directly without the need for a cast.

You can store any type of data such as integer, Boolean or object in Viewdata.

To use any other object, you must cast the ViewData values to specific types when you extract them. The following example illustrates how to use Viewdata to pass an object from the Controller to View.

In the View , we extract the product from the Viewdata and cast it to the ProductModel class before using it.

You can use ViewData to pass data from Controller to View and within Views, including Partial Views and Layouts.

What is Viewbag

As we see from the previous example you can store anything in the ViewDataDictionay, but, to access anything from the viewdata values, we need to perform type casts.

The ViewBag uses the dynamic feature that was added in C# 4.0. It is a wrapper around the ViewData and provides the dynamic properties for the underlying ViewData collection.

The ViewBag can be more convenient to work with since it doesn’t require casting.

Using the ViewBag the above code becomes

And you can refer it in the View as shown below

ViewData Vs ViewBag

Both ViewBag and ViewData uses the same ViewDataDictionary underneath. Hence, you can use both ViewData and ViewBag and mix and match between them when reading from or write to them.

For Example

Can be retrieved using the ViewBag syntax

The difference between ViewData and ViewBag

The ViewData uses the dictionary syntax to access the values, while ViewBag uses the property syntax.

The ViewData derives from ViewDataDictionary, so it has dictionary properties that can be useful, such as ContainsKey, Add, Remove, and Clear.

Viewbag derives from DynamicViewData, so it allows the creation of dynamic properties using dot notation (@ViewBag.SomeKey = <value or object>), and no casting is required. The syntax of ViewBag makes it quicker to add to controllers and views.

The ViewData allows use whitespaces in Keys since they are strings. For Example ViewData[“Some Key With Whitespace”]. This is not possible with ViewBag.

The ViewData requires typecasting for data type other than string values. It also needs to check for null values to avoid error. It is simpler to check for Null Values using ViewBag. Example @ViewBag.Person?.Name

When to use ViewData or ViewBag

The ViewData and ViewBag are equally good options when you want to pass the small amount of data from the controller to the View. The choice usually depends on the personal preference

The Drawback of ViewData/ViewBag is that they are resolved dynamically at the runtime. They do not offer any compile-time type checking, Hence more error prone

The ViewData and ViewBag can pass data from the Controller to View. It cannot be used to pass data from One Controller to another controller.


In this tutorial, we looked at how to use ViewBag & ViewData to pass data from the Controller to View.

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