Array copyWithin in Javascript

The JavaScript Array copyWithin method is a built-in method that allows us to copy a sequence of elements within an array to another location within the same array, overwriting any existing elements. In this tutorial, let us learn more about the copyWithin method.


The copyWithin method is a built-in method that allows us to copy a sequence of elements within an array to another location within the same array, overwriting any existing elements.

copyWithin does not change the length of the array. It copies the elements until the end of the array.length. It will discard anything beyond the array.length.

The copyWithin method preserves empty slots. 

copyWithin does a shallow copy. If any nested objects or arrays are present in the array, it will copy their references.

copyWithin is a generic method. It will also work on array-like objects.


The syntax for the copyWithin method is as follows.

Where the target is the index of the element to copy the sequence to, the start is the index of the first element to copy from, and the end is the index of the last element to copy from (but not including).



The target is the starting index of the element to copy the sequence to

If the target is a negative integer, the index counts backward from the array’s end. i.e., if target < 0, then the target + array.length is used. 

And if the target is a negative integer and is less than -array.length, then it will default to 0.

copyWithin will not copy anything if the target is greater than the array.length.


The start is the index of the first element to copy from

The start is optional, and if omitted, then it will default to 0. 

The index counts backward from the array’s end if the start is negative, i.e., if start < 0, then the start + array.length is used. 

And if the start is negative and < -array.length, then 0 is used.

If the start is greater than the array.length nothing is copied


The end is the index of the last element to copy from (but not including the end).

The end is optional, and if omitted, then it will default to array.length.  

The index counts backward from the array’s end if the end is negative .i.e., if end < 0, then the end + array.length is used. 

If the end is negative and < -array.length, then it defaults to 0.

If the end is greater than an array.length, then it defaults to array.length.

Examples of copyWithin

Copying Single element

In this example, we start with an array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and we want to copy the item from index 0 (Value 1) to index 3 (Value 4).

Since we want to copy to location 3, it becomes our target.

The value for the start argument is the index number from where we want to copy. Since we want to copy the value from index 0, it becomes our start.

The 1 is the value of the end argument, which is the following index after the start index, so we only copy one element. 

Hence, we invoke the copyWithin(3,0,1)

Copying Multiple elements

In this example, we start with an array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and we want to copy the sequence of items from index 0 to 1 (2 elements) to index 3 & 4.

Hence, we invoke the copyWithin(3, 0,2).

Here 2 is the target, and 0 is the index of the first element. The 2 is the value of the end argument, which is the following index after the end of the sequence, so we copy two elements in total.

The code below copies three elements.

Copying elements beyond array.length

The code below copies three elements at target Index 3. But the last index of the array is 4. Hence it will copy only two elements and discards the others.

When the target is a -ve integer

If the target is a negative integer, the index counts backward from the array’s end. i.e., if target < 0, then the target + array.length is used. 

For example, -2 is the target and 5 is the array length. Then the target is treated as 3 (-2 + 5 ) . Hence copyWithin(-2,0,2) is same as copyWithin(3,0,2)

If the target is a negative integer and is less than -array.length, then it will default to 0.

In the code below the target is -5. then target + array.length is 0. If target is less than -5 then target + array.length becomes -ve integer. In these conditions the target defaults to 0.

Hence copyWithin(-5,2,3), copyWithin(-6,2,3), copyWithin(-9,2,3), etc. are same as copyWithin(0,2,3).

When the start & end is a -ve integer

Similarly, when both the start and the end are -ve, add the array.length to arrive at the correct number.

The example below shows the start and end are -3 and -2. Add array.length, which is 5 to both. Hence copyWithin(0,-3,-2) is same as copyWithin(0,2,3)

Shallow Copy

The copyWithin does a shallow copy of the elements. i.e., objects and arrays within the elements are not deeply copied.

For example, the following array contains an object at index 1. We copy it to location 3. Because it is a shallow copy, both point to the same object. If we modify any of them, it will also affect the other because they are references to the same object.

copyWithin preserves empty slots 

copyWithin preserves the empty slots (sparse arrays). i.e., it will copy the empty slots to the target location.

Array-like objects and copyWithin

copyWithin is a generic function. We can use it call any array like objects. But to do that we need to use the call method

In the example below, arrLike is an object, but has a structure that is similar to array. Since it is not an array, we cannot invoke arrLike.copyWithin. But we can invoke the copyWithin using the call method.


  • The copyWithin method allows us to copy elements within an array to another location within the same array
  • It will overwrite the elements at target location
  • copyWithin does not change the length of the array. But it will mutate the array
  • The syntax is Array.copyWithin(target, start, end)
  • If any of the arguments is -ve. Then it will start the count from the end of the array. You can add array.length to get the correct argument.
  • The copyWithin method preserves empty slots. 
  • copyWithin does a shallow copy
  • copyWithin is a generic method. It will also work on array-like objects



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