Inheritance in TypeScript

Inheritance in TypeScript enables you to create a new class by using the existing class. The new class will reuse the properties and methods of the existing class. It may also modify the behavior of the existing class by adding its own properties and methods. Inheritance can be single-level or multi-level. But a Class can extend only from a single Class. In this tutorial, we will learn inheritance in Typescript. Learn method overriding, property overriding, etc. Also look at the effects of inheritance on the visibility of the properties like public, private, protected, etc. We also learn how to override readonly & optional properties etc

What is Inheritance

Inheritance refers to the ability of an object to reuse the properties and methods of other objects.

The main purpose of the inheritance is to re-use code. For Example, the Cat, Dog, etc have many common characteristics (properties & methods) in common. Those common properties & methods can be clubbed in a parent class Animal. The Cat & Dog classes can both use these properties & methods from the Parent class. Here the Animal Class is the Parent of the Cat & Dog class, Hence known as the Parent class or Superclass. The Cat & Dog classes are known as Child or Subclass.

Creating Inheritance in TypeScript

To create inheritance we use the extends keyword

The syntax for extending a class is as follows. We start with declaring a new class with the class keyword followed by the name of the class. Next, we use the extends keyword and specify the name of the class which we want to extend. The Class from which we extend is also known as Parent, Base, or Super Class. The extended class is known as child or sub-class.

In the following example, Employee Class declares its own property designation. It also uses the extends keyword to extend from the Person class. Hence it gets all the properties and methods from the Person Class. You can see from the example that we can access the firstName, lastName, and getName method from the instance of the Employee class. These properties and methods come from Parent class i.e. Person class

Invoking Parent class constructor

In the above example, we used the simple class without a constructor

If the parent class has a constructor, then the child class must invoke the parent class constructor in its constructor. We do that by using a special method super.

In the example below, the Person class has a constructor method that accepts two arguments. firstName & lastName.

The Employee class extends the Person class. Since the Person class has a constructor method, we need to invoke the super method in the constructor of the Employee class. The Person constructor accepts firstName & lastName arguments. Hence we need to pass those as parameters to the super method.

The call to super must be made before the use of ‘this’ keyword.

In this example, we try to access the this before we call the super method. The compiler flags this as an error (“super’ must be called before accessing ‘this’ in the constructor of a derived class).

If we do not call the super method, then the compiler flag this as an (“Constructors for derived classes must contain a ‘super’ call“) error.

If the child class does not need a constructor, then you can omit to call super method. The compiler will not flag this as an error.

But the Typescript automatically creates a constructor method with a super call in the generated JavaScript. The above results in the following JavaScript code.

Remember that

  1. The call to super must be made before the use of ‘this’ keyword.
  2. If the derived class has a constructor method, then calling super is compulsory.
  3. In case the parent class does not have a constructor method, then invoke super without any parameter
  4. If both parent and child do not need a constructor method, then you do not have to create one. JavaScript will automatically create an empty constructor for both.

Method Overriding

You can override the Methods & Properties of the Parent class in the child class.

In method overriding the types of the parameters and the return type of the method have to be compatible with that of the parent class.

While in Property overriding the data type of the Property have to be compatible with that of the parent class

In this example, The Employee class overrides the greet method of the parent class.

You can use the super to invoke the parent class method. In this example super.greet() method invokes the greet method from the parent class.

We cannot make the greet method incompatible with the parent class greet method. In this example, we have added another parameter message to the greet method. This will result in a compiler error as the parent class greet method does not have the parameter message

But you can make message as optional. This will make the greet method compatible with the parent method. Hence it will not result in an error.

You can also return string from the child greet method. The parent greet method returns void. Although the void is not compatible with the string compiler does not raise any errors. This is because If a function specifies a return type as void can return any other value, the compiler will ignore it. You can refer to void Vs undefined for more.

But you cannot use incompatible return types. The greet method in the Parent class returns a string, while the child returns a number. Since these two types are incompatible the compiler throws an error.

Similarly, you can override a property, as long as the data types are compatible. The following example throws an error because the data type of age property is incompatible

Inheritance & Visibility

Typescript does not allow us to change the visibility of the properties in the overridden class except for changing protected to public.

The following code throws an error because we are changing visibility from public to private

But changing from protected to public is allowed. You can read more about the Exposure of protected members

Multi-level Inheritance

Inheritance in typescript can go up to any level. The following is an example of three-level of inheritance.

The PermanentEmployee inherits from the Employee class which in turn inherits from the Person class.

Typescript does not allow us to inherit from more than one class. The following code results in an error as the Employee class trying to extend from both Person & Address class.

Overriding Readonly & Optional Properties

The derived classes can override the Readonly and Optional properties of Public and Protected Properties. It can either make the property Readonly and/or Optional or Remove it

In the following example, price property in the Product class is readonly. The derived ITProduct class re declares the price property without the readonly prefix effectively making it both read & write

Similarly, the derived class removes the optional from the price property.

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