Typescript Boolean

The boolean is a primitive type in Typescript. It represents a simple true/false value. They are implemented as numerical values with a single binary digit (i.e., 0 & 1). The Boolean is an object wrapper for the primitive boolean value. In this tutorial, Let us find out more about boolean data type and the difference between Boolean object and boolean primitive. The Typescript also has a Boolean global function, which we use to convert any value to a boolean a primitive type. We also learn how to convert boolean to string and string to boolean. We also learn about truthy and falsy values in typescript.

Defining boolean

There are two ways you can create the primitive boolean variable. using the normal variable declaration or using the global Boolean function.

boolean declaration

The following example creates two primitive boolean variables. You can see that the typeof returns as boolean.


Boolean Global function

The Boolean() global function converts its argument to a primitive boolean value and returns it.

You can pass any value to the Boolean function. It always converts them to either true or false. Whether a particular value converts to true or false depends on whether the value is truthy or falsy.

Truthy & Falsy in TypeScript

We can convert any type to boolean in Typescript using the Boolean function

Falsy are those values, that convert to boolean false. There are eight falsy values in Typescript. They are false, 0 (zero), -0 (minus zero) , 0n (BigInt zero) , " " (empty string), null, undefined & NaN.

Everything else converts to true, hence we call them Truthy.

Examples of Falsy

Examples of truthy

Boolean Object

The Boolean is an object and is a wrapper around boolean.primitive type. You can create a Boolean object using the constructor.

As shown in the previous example, zero, empty string, null, undefined results in false. Everything else returns true.

You can use the valueOf method to get the primitive boolean back.

Boolean vs boolean

The boolean is a primitive type and Boolean is an object. Boolean() is a global function

The boolean is created using variable declaration or using the Boolean() function. The Boolean object is created using the constructor (using the new Boolean())

And since the Boolean object is an object, and comparing it with a boolean value always results in true, irrespective of its internal value.

Convert boolean to number

Converting the boolean to the number primitive will result in 1 for true and 0 for false.

Convert boolean to string


The boolean is a primitive type in Typescript. The Typescript also has the Boolean object. Always use the primitive boolean. When converting the other data types to boolean remember that zero, empty string, null, undefined, NaN returns false. Everything else returns true.

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