Typescript Data Types

Typescript Types (or data types) bring static type checking into the dynamic world of Javascript. In this tutorial, we learn what is Typescript types are. We also introduce you to the basic data types that Typescript supports.

What is a Data Type?

The Type or the Data Type is an attribute of data that tells us what kind of value the data has. Whether it is a number, string, boolean, etc. The type of data defines the operations that we can do on that data.

Take a look at the following example. The code declares two numbers and adds them using the + operator. The runtime correctly identifies the data type as a number and runs the arithmetic addition on them.

The following code is very similar to the code above. Here instead of adding two numbers, we add two strings using the + operator. Here interpreter correctly identifies the data type as a string and hence joins them.

How does the interpreter know when to perform the addition and when to join them?. By examining the data type. If both the variables are numbers then the interpreter adds them. If any one of them is a string, then it joins them.

Hence it is very important for the compiler or interpreter to identify the data type of the variable. Otherwise, it may end up joining numbers and adding strings, etc.

Typescript Data Types

JavaScript has eight data types. Seven primitive types and one object Data type. The primitive types are number, string, boolean, bigint, symbol, undefined, and null. Everything else is an object in JavaScript.

The TypeScript Type System supports all of them and also brings its own special types. They are unknown, any, void & never.

TypeScript also provides both numeric and string-based enums. Enums allow a developer to define a set of named constants

The following diagram shows the relationship between various types. (Image from https://objectcomputing.com/resources/publications/sett/typescript-the-good-parts )

We can compose other types to create union types or intersection types. This is particularly useful when you want to combine existing types and form new ones.

TypeScript Literal Types restrict the value of a variable to finite valid values. It allows us to create String, Numeric, Boolean, and Enum Literal Types

Typescript Type Checking

TypeScript types introduce strong type checking to JavaScript. The use of types is optional, but if use the types, then they are analyzed by the compiler, and errors are thrown if they are used incorrectly. let us see it using an example.

Open Visual Studio Code and create a new file types.ts. If you are new to typescript you can refer to the tutorial Hello world example in Typescript

We have declared two-variable num1 & num2. We want both variables to hold numbers. But in the subsequent line, we assign a string to num2 variable instead of a number. Now open the command window and compile and run as shown below

Without TypeScript Types. No errors thrown. Program compiles and runs
Without TypeScript Types. No errors are thrown. Program compiles and runs

The program does not throw any errors. The result “100hello” is printed in the console as shown above

Now, modify the code and bring the Typescript Types as shown below. We are declaring that num1 & num2 will hold the type number.

The visual Studio code instantly underlines the code with red as soon as we use the wrong type. We also have an error thrown at us at the time of compilation as shown in the image below.

The number is one of the many data types that Typescript supports.

Opting out of Type Checking


Typescript allows us to opt-out of type checking by assigning any type to a variable. The compiler will not perform type checking on variables whose type is any.

any is a special data type that can hold any data. You can change the data type. We use this when we do not know the type of data. any is specific to typescript.

When a variable’s type is not given and typescript cannot infer its type from the initialization then it will be treated as an any type.

You can refer to the tutorial Any Type to learn more about them.

TypeScript Special Types

Apart from any type, typescript has three other special types. They are never, void & unknown types


The never type represents the value that will never happen. We use it as the return type of a function, which does not return a value. For example, the function that always throws an exception is shown below.

You can refer to the TypeScript Never Type tutorial.


Void represents the absence of any return value. For example, the following function prints “hello” and returns without returning a value. Hence the return type is void.

It is different from never. never means it never returns a value.

Unknown Type

unknown type means that the type of variable is not known. It is the type-safe counterpart of any.

You can assign anything to an unknown type.

But cannot assign unknown to any other types.

Primitive Types

TypeScript supports 7 primitive types number, string, boolean, bigint, symbol, undefined, and null. All other data types are objects in Typescript. A primitive data type is a data type that is not an object and has no methods. All primitives are immutable.


We use the string data type to store textual data. The string value is enclosed in double-quotes (“) or single quotes (‘).


Multiline string

The strings can span multiple lines in such cases the strings are surrounded by the backtick/backquote (`) character

You can read more about string data type from the following tutorials

  1. String Data Type
  2. Template strings/Literal strings
  3. Tagged Templates
  4. String to Number


The Boolean Data Type is a simple true/false value


Read more about Boolean Data Type


The number data types in TypeScript are 64-bit floating-point values and are used to represent integers and fractions. Typescript also supports hexadecimal and decimal literals. It also supports the binary and octal literals introduced in ECMAScript 2015.

You can read more about the number data type from the following Tutorials

  1. Number Data Type
  2. NaN in Typescript
  3. Min, Max & Safe Values
  4. EPSILON & Floating Point Precision
  5. Infinity


bigint is the new introduction in Typescript 3.2. This will provide a way to represent whole numbers larger than 253. You can get a bigint by calling the BigInt() function or by writing out a BigInt literal by adding an n to the end of any integer numeric literal as shown below.

You can use the bigint only if you are targeting version ESNext.

Refer to the following tutorial to learn more about BigInt

  1. BigInt data type
  2. BigInt Vs Number

Null and Undefined

JavaScript has two ways to refer to the null. They are null and undefined and are two separate data types in Typescript as well. The null and undefined are subtypes of all other types. That means you can assign null and undefined to something like a number.

undefined Denotes value is given to all uninitialized variables.
null: Represents the intentional absence of object value.

Refer to the Typescript Null Vs Undefined tutorial to learn more about them


The symbol is the new primitive type introduced in ES6 and represents the javaScript symbol primitive type. it represents unique tokens that may be used as keys for object properties. it is created by the global Symbol() function. Each time the Symbol() function is called, a new unique symbol is returned.

TypeScript Objects

Everything that isn’t a Primitive type in TypeScript is a subclass of the object type. Objects provide a way to group several values into a single value. You can group any values of other types like string, number, booleans, dates, arrays, etc. An object can also contain other objects. We can easily build a more complex structure using them

Typescript object is a collection of key-value pairs. Each key-value pair is known as a property, where the key is the name of the property and value its value.

The following is one of the ways to create an object in TypeScript. It consists of a list of key-value pairs, each separated by a comma and wrapped inside curly braces

Typescript Objects

We will cover these in detail in the subsequent chapters

Objects in TypeScript


Using types we define the data type of variables. If we did not specify the type, then typescript treats it as any type. Any type is the base type of all other types. The primitive types are number, string, bigint, boolean, null, and undefined. All other types are derived from the objects.

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